Radio show

Broadcast on Resonance FM, this half hour radio show is an insider’s tour of the many faces of Speakers’ Corner, peppered with sonic surprises. It reveals Corner’s intriguing origins, its enduring mystique, and why people who write it off as a realm of cranks and fanatics should think again.

The show features snippets of oral history interviews, entertaining historical footage, an adaptation of Jonathan Swift’s gallows satire “Clever Tom Clinch” by Kalbakken and samples from Tomfoolery beats and Tom Rogerson. With thanks to Nana Fani-Kayode of Goodfoot for her help with the edit.

Download the radio show here. Right click on “here” and select “save link as”.

Featured song:
Adaptation of satirical poem Clever Tom Clinch by Jonathan Swift (1727)

As clever Tom Clinch,
While the Rabble was bawling,
Rode stately through Holbourn,
To die in his Calling.

And when his last Speech the loud Hawkers did cry,
He swore from his Cart, it was all a damned Lye.

He stopped at the George for a Bottle of Sack,
And promised to pay for it when he’d come back.
His Waistcoat and Stockings, and Breeches were white,
His Cap had a new Cherry Ribbon to tye’t.

And when his last Speech the loud Hawkers did cry,
He swore from his Cart, it was all a damned Lye.

The Maids to the Doors and the Balconies ran,
And said, lack-a-day! he’s a proper young Man.
But, as from the Windows the Ladies he spy’d,
Like a Beau in the Box, he bowed low on each Side;

And when his last Speech the loud Hawkers did cry,
He swore from his Cart, it was all a damned Lye.

Then said I must speak with the people a little
But I’ll see you all damned, before I will Whittle.
Take Courage, dear Comrades, and be not afraid,
Nor slip this Occasion to follow your Trade.

And when his last Speech the loud Hawkers did cry,
He swore from his Cart, it was all a damned Lye.

My Conscience is clear, and my Spirits are calm,
And thus I go off without Pray’r Book or Psalm.
Then follow the Practice of clever Tom Clinch,
Who hung like a Hero, and never would flinch.

And when his last Speech the loud Hawkers did cry,
He swore from his Cart, it was all a damned Lye.

About the project

Sounds from the Park is a unique oral and visual history of Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park: the UK’s last great open air oratory site.

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Our exhibition can be seen online here or read our booklet about Speakers' Corner.

See the exhibition